Probably where you will find the best advice is from the hearts of people who live and work in San Francisco. Meet some of the best.

Pat was born in Waterloo Iowa surrounded by a family of house painters, farmers, and ministers. Salts of the earth. Mix that with formative years immersed in the car culture of Southern California and you understand his roots. "Driving through the So Cal countryside in the early 60's in my '58 Chevy convertible, top down, was pure magic. It's only gotten better." Covey's 7 Habits and Camus's Perfect Death tie for first in that place his heart reserves for literature. The Ferrari P4, for machines. And for San Francisco,
Basking in the sunset at Ocean Beach (clearly not to miss).
Dining at the Zuni Cafe.
Working at Pat's Garage and hanging with the lovely folks who stop by.

John, a native New Yorker raised in the Bronx was a busy kid growing up in the Big Apple. For John it was all about Yankee games, getting lost in Central Park, the East Village, subway rides and a love for music. While in high school he got his start by working at his father's auto part store, which led to various jobs in the retail and wholesale automotive parts industry and eventually automotive service consulting. As a SF newbie, John enjoys...
A nice coastal drive on Highway 1.
Getting lost in the local neighborhoods and exploring all the hidden gems the city has to offer.
Long walks on Ocean Beach with his wife.

Forrest, a native to San Francisco, grew up enjoying bon fires at Ocean Beach, burritos in the Mission and kicking a soccer ball every chance he got. How did Forrest get into cars? Easy – Pat is his Dad. His Pat’s Garage career started as a wee 6 year old polishing the shops extensive Hot Wheels collection. He now enjoys working with his old man every day. When he’s not hanging out with his wife and 2 young kids he is...
Playing Soccer.
Coaching Soccer.
Watching Soccer.

Karin, also native to this odd and great city considered herself a "feral child." Maybe that's how she developed her big love of animals, taxidermically that is. The aesthetic continues with her choice of vehicles, a Sayers 1937 Byzantine. Look, you'll understand. The theme of oddity and fantasy is solidly confirmed by her recommended reading, Geek Love, and SF outings.
See the Columbarium at No. One Loraine. Hidden treasure hiding 1000's of hidden treasures.
Walk the hills and halls of the Legion of Honor.
Get lost in pagoda fantasies in China Town.

Gordon, grew up somewhere in Texas, and when a tall dude tells you that "everything was bigger" in Texas, there's some cred that comes with it. Imagine getting out of town in a 1963 Plymouth Belvedere wagon (something to scare the Audi drivers on 101) with only the wisdom of Winnie the Pooh to guide you and you have a start on Gordon's vision of a good life. Who knows (he doesn't) why Gordon got into cars in the first place, but put yours in his hands and you'll be grateful he did. His idea of what to do in SF?
Eat. Oh, and get out of town.

Nazariy, the progeny of a physics teacher and a mechanical engineer from Ukraine, landed in San Francisco at the age of 11. " As a child I'd sit in my mother's physics classes with students 10 years my senior or hang with the engineers at my dad's shop making busses and tractors. The moment I bought my first car and started tinkering with it, I knew this was my work." With Sherlock Holmes as a muse and the Nissan Skyline as his dream, his suggestions for awesome things to do in San Francisco include...
Relax at a BBQ in Golden Gate Park.
Build bonfires with friends.
Drive the streets of San Francisco, late at night when nobody is on them.

For Dorian, was born in Guatemala and grew up in SF. He attended Mission High and graduated from City College of San Francisco’s Automotive Program and has been a Pat’s Garage technician for over 5 years. When he’s not turning wrenches at the shop, you can find him channeling his inner Spiderman as a wall climbing enthusiast and cheering on his beloved Real Madrid. Dorian’s ideal San Francisco weekend includes...
Scaling the rock climbing walls at Dogpatch Boulders.
Playing soccer
Playing FIFA on Playstation